Health benefits of taking a hot bath

Taking time out for your own selfcare and wellness is so important these days. With so much going on in our day to day activities we need time to replenish our mind, body and spirit.  

Turn of the lights light a candle, have a glass of water or tea next to you. Enjoy your bath by closing your eyes and focusing on your breathing while clearing your mind and feeling your body relax into the warm water. Read a book or listen to some soothing music.

Taking a warm bath at night as so many health benefits for out mental and physical wellbeing. 

Relaxes your mind & aids meditation  

Improves breathing  

Relieves stress, anxiety, depression and anger  

Helps you fall asleep and improves quality of sleep 

Cleanses and moisturizes skin 

Soothes muscles, joints and bone 

Brain and nerves system  

Blood and immunity  

Balances hormones 

Regulates Body temperature 



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