Gut Health for your skin and Body.
Having good gut health is critical for the bodies digestive system and immune system it aids the digestion and absorption of nutrients regulates hormones, protects our bodies from pathogenic microbes and eliminates toxins. It is also responsible for our mental wellbeing, communicating with our brain in releasing our feel good hormones boosting our mood.
Our gut health is linked with our skin as well as all parts of the body and plays a very important role in the health of our skin.
Having good gut health will reflect positively in our skin. Bad gut health is linked with skin inflammatory skin conditions like rosacea acne eczema psoriasis
Taking an inside out approach to our skin health is vital for glowing skin the reflection of our diet and lifestyle needs more attention most of us are eating foods that cause inflammation in our body and skin.
Cutting our foods the cause inflammation:
- Processed foods
- Sugar, bread, pasta, dairy, junk food, soft drinks, alcohol, brown rice in moderation.
Replacing with raw whole foods that will help to improve and have good gut health:
- Fruit, vegetables
- Nuts, seeds
- Olive oil
- Fermented foods
- Collagen, grains, meat, fish
- Drinking plenty of water (2.5-3l)
Stress and lifestyle also affects our gut health - Effective strategies for reducing out stress response:
- Making sure you have a work life balance
- Practicing meditation, breathe, mindfulness
- Walking, yoga, exercise
-Getting enough sunlight exposure in the morning and through out the day.
All of these methods are great for supporting and turning on our rest and digest system creating relaxation and calmness. Healthy glowing skin reflects a calm peaceful mind and healthy gut.